Prayer and Email Chain
The backbone of the church is prayer. Prayer is the foundation for all our ministry endeavors. We also conduct on-site prayer walks from time to time in such places as our local schools, county government center and city squares.
We are made strong and we are healed as we pray for one another. You can submit a personal prayer request to our email prayer chain anytime, 24 hours a day, and the request will be shared in confidence and passed on only to those who are part of our intercessory email prayer team. The request for this prayer chain are for personal needs and not for general prayers for nations or “world peace” etc. While these things are important, we try to keep a focus on praying for needs for individuals and their families. You can send prayer requests to: We also encourage you to share your answers to prayers offered on the chain to pass on praise reports of what God has done. Prayer unites us in the fight to reach a lost and hurting world.!

Men’s Ministries
Men face many challenges in today’s world. Financial and family pressures, stress from the job or the lack of employment, work overtime in their thoughts. Living pure lives with integrity and confidence takes more than a personal commitment. Men draw strength from each other in God centered environments. That’s why we offer a weekly men’s get-together called “C.P.R. (Current Prophetic Realities)” Thursdays at 7:00 pm. It’s not your typical Bible Study. We share testimonies of what God is doing in our lives, and participate in a Q&A discussion night. We open it up to anyone’s questions, about God, and the bible and examine current events together. We ask ourselves “What does the bible say about life“. Jesus ministered to men by spending time with them, allowing them to ask questions and taking time to answer those questions. Our men’s bible study aims to follow the same model.

Women’s Ministries
Our women at NLCC focus on worship and the strong, clear teaching of the Word of God. Our ladies meet for their “Gather” Bible study, Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. The Women’s ministries in the church are coordinated and led by Adele Schilder.
Our Women have created a community where they can openly communicate, pray together, and dive deep into creating and expanding the next generation of Titus 2 Women.

Worship Team
More than music, the NLCC Worship team seeks to use both vocal and instrumental talents to honor the Lord and draw His presence to meet us in a tangible and life-changing way. Our team works together to foster unity and minister first of all to the Lord, and secondly to bring people closer to God. We expect our time of worship to lead us to listen and follow the Holy Spirit for further ministry as He comes to encourage, heal and build up the body of Christ. There are plenty of opportunities to serve if you musically inclined or by assisting in our media department with behind the scenes operations.

Social Media
We live in a sight and sound generation. We communicate and connect through many means of social media: Facebook, Twitter, Text, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. The main thing is that people are connecting with each other and with God. In the book of Acts, the Bible tells us that the church was made strong by reason of instruction or teaching the Word of God, by the breaking bread or eating together, by prayer and by fellowship or communication. We need to stay connected to stay strong in the Lord. We believe the use of social media is a powerful vehicle that can be used for good. We encourage you to stay connected to NLCC an our online community. Let’s stay in touch!
Twitter : @newlifeillinois

Online Community
Today our online congregation is even larger than our in-person church family. It’s a blessing to minister to both those who walk through our doors and those who tune in on social media. Our Sunday Services can be seen live on our YouTube Channel at 10:00am. Make sure to subscribe to our channel so you can get a notification every time we start service. Our online community is also faithful in tithing and helping us pour back into our ministries. Tithes can be submitted online by going to the “Give” button at the top of the screen, or clicking here.

Community Outreach
Twice a year we reach out to our community with the gospel message wrapped inside helping hands and open hearts, providing free backpacks and bibles, shoes or school supplies in the summer and toys or other presents and dinner near the Christmas Holiday. Each year we reach out to a new group of people that God directs us to help. Our entire church gets involved, and it is truly, we who have the chance to give, that are the most blessed!

Ministries We Support
The Life Center reaches out to offer Pro-Life choices to women who are pregnant and not sure what to do. TLC offers loving support to the mother and father and their families, providing free ultrasounds, prayer support, biblical counseling, as well as clothing and supplies for children after they are born. They offer services in Elgin, Schaumburg and Palatine.
Foursquare Children of Promise
Each month we support Missions works that reach around the world. Foursquare Children of Promise provides housing and food for orphans in Cambodia, churches are planted, and skills are taught to educate young people providing hope for their future.
Foursquare Missions Press
Foursquare Missions Press is responsible for printing millions of pieces of gospel literature, books, tracts, Children’s Gospel boxes and building mobile printing presses in nations around the world.

Message Of Love Ministries
Message Of Love Ministries is dedicated to giving back to local organizations that pour into our community. We write cards expressing our gratitude, purchase lunches and dinners, assemble care packages, or hold a missions giving weekend that is dedicated to raising funds for their local cause. Some organizations we are currently working with are:
McHenry County Sheriff’s Department